Thursday, February 19, 2015

Plug into our Chappaqua Reads online book discussion at and join our lively talk about Ian McEwan’s 

The Children Act  

Fiona Maye, a distinguished, brilliant, childless, and “still beautiful” High Court Judge receives a proposition from her husband, Jack. She sees it as an ultimatum and locks get changed. 

Can you blame her? Do you think Jack has a valid argument? If you were the husband or the wife, what would you do? Now, filled with anger and confusion, she perseveres and continues on with her powerful work that can change a family's life. 

How will this affect her professional actions, particularly when deciding the fate of a 17 year old boy? There are so many intriguing questions and issues to consider. 

The psychology and strategy behind Jack's actions can be a starting point for our discussion. Do you believe he really loves Fiona and is taking this action in order to revive their marriage? We can then move on to Fiona's reaction to it and what she fears most.

The Children Act was an actual bill that was passed in the United Kingdom in 1989. It is law that places the welfare of a child as top priority when ruling on judicial cases. 

Did the Children Act prevail in Adam's case?

From the comfort of your own home or business, grab a cup of coffee and tell us what you think and why. 

From the drop down men, a preferred method of posting your comments are by "Name/URL." If you choose "Name/URL," you do not need to provide the URL, even a first name or blogger name will suffice. You may also choose "Anonymous" if you wish. 

Then, simply type your comments, hit publish, then after a minute or two your idea will be posted. 

Looking forward to reading your questions, answers, and thoughts.